About Us

We are your one stop technological power house, that emerged from our love for coding. Ever since our inception, we are constantly looking out for new technologies and realms to implement our tech.
A team of passionate young souls about their work and their love for challenges. With an urge to provide something valuable to the community and world at large, we collaborate with entities to bring about innovations. Ideas excite us, they shape the future, add value and signal change. Through fresh ideas, we polish the idea, provide technological support and build the brand value via an innovative marketing campaign.
We work with ambitious start-ups as well as multi-national companies across India, Singapore, Europe and Trans-Atlantic continents.

Amarjeet Lokhande
Engineering CzarOur Technology czar, we call him the "Polygot" - a person who masters many programming languages. Microsoft Certified Professional with 17+ years of experience accomplished in the areas of end-to-end Project Management. Functioning as a SR. Software Architect, he excels in customizing and designing low latency high throughput solutions in the various domains.

Rushabh Parekh
Chief EvangelistHe is a true tech evangelist, constantly learning and visualising how new technologies can be leveraged to maximise impact for their clients. Prior to starting the venture, he himself was a coding geek building various applications for the stock markets. In his free time, he is generally helping some one out with his NGO or even playing / watching either cricket or football.
Our Software offerings include Products and Services.
We have off-the-shelf products for enterprises in several areas.
We develop bespoke business applications which include digital properties as well as complex AI based back end systems for automating risk, compliance, operations, etc.
We work on customer-centric iterative delivery model for proper alignment with business objectives.
Our Analytics offerings are designed to make sense out of the deluge of data.
We can build meaningful MIS for the company which will help business managers take the right decisions.
Using predictive analytics, we can help uncover patterns and predict business events.